In a recent interview with Jay Shetty, former First Lady Michelle Obama shared what keeps her up at night, revealing that her biggest fears now have less to do with herself and more with the state of the world. Having been married to the President of the United States, she has had access to immense information and knows more than most people.

Mrs. Obama explains that sometimes ignorance can be bliss. She admits to the desire to turn a blind eye to the contents of important folders or the reasons behind security pulling her over. The weight of knowledge that comes with being in the position of the leader of the Free World can be overwhelming.

Several global issues plague her mind. The ongoing wars in various regions, the impact of Artificial Intelligence, environmental concerns, the pace of progress in education, voter apathy, and excessive attachment to technology are among her chief worries. The lack of control over these matters, as well as the uncertainties of the upcoming election, terrify her. She emphasizes the significance of choosing leaders wisely, as they affect society in ways we often take for granted.

Mrs. Obama believes that citizens should not underestimate the role of government. She acknowledges people's skepticism towards whether government truly makes a difference but asserts that democracy should never be taken for granted. The former First Lady worries that, at times, we become complacent and fail to appreciate the importance of our democratic system.

She also acknowledges that people may not have access to the same extent of news that she does but underscores the shared experience of feeling overwhelmed by information overload. With news constantly streaming through smartphones and other devices, people are inundated with a constant flow of information that can be unsettling.

Source: Youtube